Sunday, March 15, 2009

Paul O'Neill, Fareed Zakaria Interview About Financial Crisis, Bailouts (VIDEO)

I'd take any advice from a man who took on the Boosh et. al. Besides, the advise he's giving is sound and makes sense. Wouldn't we, as the taxpayers ponying up multi-billion dollars to prop these failing (or in some cases failed) banks, have the right to see what we're buying?

I was watching Erin Burnett on the Bill Maher show this weekend and couldn't believe her statement that no body knows the extent of this problem (then again, it's Erin's statement!). Well, if that's the case than we might as well call our nation (or West for that matter) totally out of control, since we can't seem to balance our sheets!

Most of us know how to balance our checkbook, pay our bills, know what's on our credit cards and what we recently bought - without the use of a massive enterprise-wide system, or for that matter even a spreadsheet.

These banks have pumped hundreds of millions in making sure that they collect their payments from their customers (more like Usury at 29%), but they can't figure out their assets, liabilities and equity - the most fundamental aspects of running a business.

I could understand if it was a business that made widgets and finance was not its core competency, but from these behemoth banks you'd expect a little more of a fiduciary responsibility.

Then again, a snake never commits suicide and nor do Shylocks like these!
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Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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