Saturday, March 28, 2009

Diamond Industry Rocked By Recession

I hear you loud and clear. The question is, are the rest doing the same? The whole Diamond market is nothing but a sham/scam, with DeBeers as the "puppet master" and a thoroughly complicit down-line (i.e., JEWelers). Who is in the "JEWel" business? Yes, I highlighted the main culprits so don't get all pretentious on me and call me what I'm not (check out the net:

I suppose we need to figure out another way to hock our future, since this bull$hit overpriced and over-hyped "mineral" maybe seeing its last days!

Oh, I forgot one element, the women! Why do they keep insisting on getting a diamond ring? They, the women, hold the key on this one. Instead of a Diamond ring, I think they should ask for the blood of their fiance, drawn with a blunt needle from his scrotum and turned into a hard stone through the Carbonation mechanism!

So ladies, please start a real revolution and change the world since no one can other than you!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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