Sunday, March 15, 2009

CNBC's Erin Burnett Wants Your Emails

This all assumes that Erin Burnett is a journalist, duh! She spawned her "career" at Goldman Sachs, as an analyst (most likely a paper pusher) and got picked up by CNN (assuming for her looks and the mere fact she knew which station to get off for Wall St.). From there she moved on to become Citi's mouthpiece, a VP specialized in sending market Citi's "message".

Suffice it to say, she's been in cahoots with the corporations ever since she started collecting a paycheck - which is Ok, so long as there's a disclaimer. However, expecting her to give straight dope on the corporations is like asking a drug pusher to rat out the cartel - ain't gonna happen!

I hope that Jon Stewart, at best, has succeeded in putting the final nail in the coffin of CNBC's credibility or, at minimum, exposed them for what they really are - shills for the Wall St. fat cats, not for us commoners!
About Morning Joe
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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