Sunday, March 22, 2009

Nicholas Hughes, Sylvia Plath's Son, Commits Suicide

The notion by some folks, like this celebrated son, that somehow one must bear the cross of his predecessors' rights/wrongs will never cease to amaze me. Call it a genetic anomaly, an abberation in the time-space continuum or simply a tragedy that was meant - you still can't comprehend the depth of one's emotional crevasse, in which I'm sure he found himself. Maybe his mother's suicide left him emotionally paralyzed, maybe it meant he had to take his life simply to perpetuate the myth, maybe he was as crazy as she was, maybe .... maybe ..... We may never find out, and that would really be a tragedy for the generations to come. RIP my friend, may you find solace where the solace is aplenty!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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