Friday, March 20, 2009

Sanford Rejects $700 Million In Stimulus Funds

I suppose you gotta dance with the one who brung ya! The SC electorate have proven their critics that they're a bunch of bible-thumping, evolution-rejecting, dry-State-but-always-wet, meth-toking, unedumacated lot that continues to elect people who have always been counter to their interest.

Sanford's rejection of the bailout money is like the "religious police" rejecting breast feeding for a bilking and hungry child in public, simply because the concerned mother may "potentially" expose her breasts!

Suffice it to say, the SC electorate fully deserves the outcome of Sanford's decision, the California Governator has already prostrated himself to take whatever is rejected by the others - Amazing, a pot-toking, ex-body builder and an actor is smarter than the supposed "top tier" and supposed presidential candidate in 2012 of the Rethuglican party!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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