Sunday, March 22, 2009

US Considers Establishing Political Party For Taliban In Afghanistan

This really would be the smartest move that the US can make in that region. Despite the outrageous behavior of the Taliban, their stone-age disposition towards women and proclivity for extreme violence, there's no other option at this stage. Karzai is completely impotent and the NATO support is wanning at best - with ALLCON knowing full well that if a million-strong Soviet army from the neighborhood couldn't defeat them then Western nations, with prevailing logistical nightmares, surely will have one heck of a time dealing with Taliban.

Taliban have de facto control of Pakistan's fifth province, the North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and there's nothing the Pakistanis can do to dislodge them. Unless they're legitimized back in Afghanistan and have the sanctuary to retreat and form a Government (with 7th century Sharia law), they will continue their push to Islamabad. Personally, I don't think it wouldn't be much of a loss with Pakistan's current President Zardari, the other corrupt political Apparatchik and the military junta - but nonetheless, no one wants the nuke combo in the hands of Taliban.

This, though perceived by most back home as defeat, really wouldn't be. If we can legitimize Sinn Fein, who, though not as religiously virulent as the Taliban, were quite violent. In Sinn Fein's case honey seemed to have worked better than the vinegar.

Perhaps, in the case of Taliban a little bit of honey might do the same trick.
About Afghanistan
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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