Saturday, March 14, 2009

DC AIDS Rate Soars, Considered A 'Severe' Epidemic

Systemic and strategically sought INACTION by the CONservatives has lead to this unconscionable situation. No, you can't blame everything on BOOSH or his cronies, there's plenty of blame to go around (and especially the people having unprotected sex). However, distribution of condoms, counseling/education, moneys for the public schools, etc. were taken away and sent to fight unnecessary wars!

Now, the Rethugs are so quick to point out the stats on the predominantly African American DC residents regarding HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, but they wont' pony up to the fact that they are solely responsible for cutting the funding for the very necessities mentioned above for ensuring that situations like this doesn't escalate.

I suppose, so long as the chick is white, gets knocked up and is the daughter of a Rethug Governor, one can assume that there's nothing to worry about a minor little things like HIV!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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