Tuesday, March 31, 2009

SEIU's Stern To Obama: BofA CEO Should Be Fired If GM CEO Had To Go

Hey t@@l, the Pacer and the Pinto WERE designed by the industry. Besides, the Government couldn't do any worst than what the industry has already done - it can only go up from here. There's no chance of ret@rded "free marketers" like you two to penetrate the current administration's rank, so no worries - keep blogging!
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The Zukervati Principal

Try to view the important decisions in your life within the Life, liberty and Pursuit of Happiness framework and question which of these three categories does it fit in.  I bet if you applied this filter to all that you do, you'll find it that most of what we do doesn't even cross the Liberty threshold.

Rewriting Contracts Now Seen As Acceptable

Contracts are nothing more than a "written" understanding between two parties at the time of the execution. If both parties agree, they can amend it according to their new/changed mutual understanding. However, unilateral change to a contract poses an existential threat to the modern-day Western tort law and its arbitration - Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore!
About The Bailouts
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Republicans Disinvite Palin From Major Fundraiser, Trash Her In Private

One word, DISSED! Even the Rethuglican clowns have woken up from their stupor to realize what a terrible mistake they made in cheering this ret@rded woman on during the past election. She cost them more credibility, funds and political capital in that short period than the entire history of the Rethug party. I'm a bit disappointed though, would've been nice to have her dumb-a$$ prance and make a total f@@l of herself for our fodder!
About Sarah Palin
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Rush Limbaugh Vanity Fair Profile

Awesome, pretty soon all his listeners will either be six feet under, will have the Alzheimer so they won't remember what they listened to or won't have any of their retirement left (squandered by Boosh, et. al.) to afford the cable bill and listen to Pudge Limp-O and his buffoonery! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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Bill O'Reilly Threatens To Not Travel To Spain Anymore (VIDEO)

Good, I'm sure they don't want our resident A$$-h.ole traveling to their country either!
About War Crimes
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Monday, March 30, 2009

Laid-Off Car Dealership Employees Get In Fistfight (VIDEO)

Your comments may come across as somewhat apocalyptic, but I think you're probably closer to the reality than otherwise. High on the hog Rethuglicans kept pushing the agenda of the richest 1% of the population at the expense of the masses. While we all drank the Koolaid from the MSM, the Wall Street, the Boosh Administration and an impotent Congress, none of us could've imagined the carnage the decisions of so few would wrought upon so many.

Neo-CONs sold the dumb-a$$ boosh the unnecessary Iraq war (most likely to ensure that one of Israel's thorn was removed with the blood, sweat and tears of our soldiers - since we never got the cheap oil, found the WMDs or lit the torch of Democracy there), which then led to unprecedented borrowing of money from the foreigners (Chinese predominantly) and over-hyped markets (courtesy of CNBC) to ensure that the CDO's and CDS's (fancy terms for re-packaged, overly appraised toxic assets in smaller chunks) could collateralize our binge for cheap money.

Well, well. Now, the proverbial "America's chickens have come home to roost. I'm afraid we're all a paycheck or two away from the bread line!
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Maurice Jarre, 'Dr. Zhivago' Composer, Dies

RIP Mr. Jarre, your musical contribution to our World will remain immortalized. I still catch myself in a trans-like state listening to the hauntingly beautiful theme song of Dr. Zhivago, just as I did listening to it for the first time as a child far far away. I shall remain eternally grateful to you for having associated such beautiful memories through a simple, but deeply felt music. I don't need my iPod to listen this melody, I just close my eyes and it echoes all around.
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Webb Crime Bill Gets Unlikely Support

Ok, this is not related but isn't the rotunda ceiling above Webb's head identical to the carpet in the oval office - both the design and color scheme. I see a Masonic conspiracy!
About Jim Webb
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Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Switched To Stocks Right Before Collapse

6.5% my A$$. PBGC unilaterally has done what all the critics say would've happened if we had allowed the privatization of the Social Security fund, partial or whole! Boosh was able to leave another turd for his legacy, privatization through the Executive branch of people's pension guarantee - way to go A$$hole.

No one in the Rethuglican hierarchy, including their current leadership (an oxymoron, but for the sake of argument) would dare speak of how hot-to-trot they were about that idea at the beginning of Boosh's second term. I bet there mouths are shut tighter than a preacher's a$$ now, especially when it comes to hocking the Social Security privatization idea. Someone should call these schmucks out on this - I miss Tim Russert so much!
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Miss Universe Visits Guantanamo: 'A Loooot Of Fun!'

Folks, that's why it's a beauty and not the brain pageant.
About Guantánamo Bay
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The Incestuous Merkins Produce Ethically Murky Doings at the <i>New York Times</I>

Ms. Merkin's observation, though suspect in light of the size and veracity of B. Madoff's crime, should certainly be explored further. Question #1: Why did so many smart people invest with Bernie, knowing full well that the returns (regardless of his genius) couldn't be delivered by the prevailing market. Question #2: What's with all these "charitable foundations"? I've asked this question before, but no one has given me a satisfactory answer, as to why most of these folks were putting money in "Jewish Charities"? Sounds like a real scam. Create a "Jewish Charity", put your money in it tax free and as the charity head/foundation chairman, draw it at will and cheat Uncle Sam. Question #3: Why aren't these so called "Jewish Charities" and Foundations being thoroughly investigated for fraud along with Bernie Madoff.

The sad part is, some very decent folks lost their money along with the "mishpocha".
About Bernard Madoff
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Israel Drops Gaza Probe, Calls Claims Hearsay

Says you, one of the paid AIPAC blog infiltrators! It must be a bitch to see the tide turning against Israel's tyranny, apartheid and blatant violation of basic human rights. Given that you can't control the new media, the way you did the MSM, it must get your gnads all tied up in a knot.

Don't worry about massacring innocent Palestinian women and children, there's plenty more. If not with weapons, in due time they will breed you out - despite your efforts to keep their population in check through routinely perpetrated mini-holocausts. History is written one-century-at-a-time and those Arabs have long memories, let us see how it is written. I'd bet that it would be written quite accurately long after both you and the Congress are done collecting your stipend from AIPAC!
About Gaza War
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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Thousands Of Toxic Toads Killed At Australian Celebration

Toxic Toads? I don't recall anyone say anything about the Boosh administration, especially Cheney, or the neo-CON cabal. Please tell me that they got those Toxic Toads as well.
About Australia
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Spanish Court Weighs Criminal Investigation Over Torture For 6 Bush-Era Officials

I sure hope they get this tr0ll - I mean, he not only looks like one but has certainly acted like one. Time to pay the piper Gonzo!
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Glenn Beck, Fox News Rising Star: "I'm A Rodeo Clown"

No $hit $herlock, that's precisely what you are, a clown - though you give a real bad name to a decent profession!
About Fox News
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Pakistan's President Praises Obama, Calls New Policy "Positive Change"

He's sure got a big smile on his face - 10% of the money coming in would buy him Estates like the one in Surry, England he already has. This b@stard and his predecessors of the ruling class have been looting Pakistan since its inception. They're ruthless, have no regard for the common Pakistanis and could give two $hits about Obama's approach to Afghanistan - the only thing that matters is how much they can skim off the State coffers.
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GM, Chrysler Sales Hurt By Bailout Pleas

Ditto that. Sub-par engineering, materials with built-in shelf life less than your dog's, utter disregard for the environment and, of course, contempt for their core consumers - the Americans. They've hocked $hiteous products to the individual consumers and the Local/State/Federal fleets for decades. When Chevy couldn't compete with its counterparts in Japan on their trucks' quality, they naturally gravitated towards the whole "patriotism" pandering ad campaign - with the racist/xenophobic Toby McGuire as their spokesman (IMO, and surely even in their hindsight, they should've gone with the Dixie Chicks). Goes to show you the depth of their genius! I suppose the Americans finally wised up and decided that their tax dollars aren't worth saving these zombie corporations.

According to the "free marketers", every company regardless of its size has a natural life span. At some point, absence innovation, they die a natural death. Well, sounds like it's time to don our black suits and get ready for this timely funeral.
About Auto Bailout
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Cantor Claims Raising Hedge-Fund Tax Rate Would Hurt Small Businesses (VIDEO)

Precisely. You've dug up the right dirt on this d@uchebag. I followed up on your lead and checked him out a bit more. As they say, follow the money - http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Eric_Cantor#Money_in_politics

Though not alone in taking bribes (I mean "contributions") from the interest groups he's suppose to oversee, he's certainly one of the most outspoken and overt supporter of his benefactors.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Israel Make Over: Here Is a Start

Thank you Ariana, for making this happen - a place for divergent views to be posted, read and discussed. The history will judge you, not simply as a savvy businesswoman, but a visionary - someone who brought, and hopefully resolved/exposed, more disparate views than the United Nations did since its history! Keep up the good work.
About Palestinian Territories
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British Spy Chiefs Fear Chinese Cyber Attack

My dear citizens, you've already been Checked and Mated!
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Diamond Industry Rocked By Recession

I hear you loud and clear. The question is, are the rest doing the same? The whole Diamond market is nothing but a sham/scam, with DeBeers as the "puppet master" and a thoroughly complicit down-line (i.e., JEWelers). Who is in the "JEWel" business? Yes, I highlighted the main culprits so don't get all pretentious on me and call me what I'm not (check out the net: http://www.edwardjayepstein.com/diamond/chap8.htm)

I suppose we need to figure out another way to hock our future, since this bull$hit overpriced and over-hyped "mineral" maybe seeing its last days!

Oh, I forgot one element, the women! Why do they keep insisting on getting a diamond ring? They, the women, hold the key on this one. Instead of a Diamond ring, I think they should ask for the blood of their fiance, drawn with a blunt needle from his scrotum and turned into a hard stone through the Carbonation mechanism!

So ladies, please start a real revolution and change the world since no one can other than you!
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Nowrouz Sees Binge Of Drinking, Drugging In Iran Despite Nationwide Ban

As always, you're spot on in your observations. However, I would beg to differ on the decriminalization of alcohol aspect. See, the problem is that alcohol is prohibited in Iran's State religion. So long as the governing junta has to toe the line on religion, that's something that will never happen.

I know many pre-revolution Iranians who are extremely liberal and are more European than Middle-Easterners (or Europeans for that matter). I'm not suggesting that somehow the pre-revolution Shah-aligned intelligentsia would be better than what's there in Iran today, but at least that crowd was engaging the East, West, North and the South. Not really the case with the current regime, leading to this underground, subterranean behavior of alcoholism and drug abuse.

The Iranian Mullahs need to realize that their baby-girl from the revolution is no longer 16!
About Iran
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Karzai "Extremely Gratified" By Obama's Afghan Policy

Money. This tr0ll is about as useful and qualified as a Blackwater mercenary - short on intelligence and quick with the trigger. He's good for one and only one thing, flipping kabobs at his brother's Baltimore restaurant.

The bigger question, as you touched upon, is why we're there? If it's to topple Taliban then good luck. As revolting as they maybe, they were not directly responsible for 9/11, Saudis were - but then again, we're not discussing that, are we?

There should be a clear strategy in Afghanistan, why/how we'd fight them and how we'd exit. This is the same thing that even the liberals use to complain about and now don't want to hear when it comes to Afghanistan - as if warring with them is any different than warring with Saddam. Time to rethink the whole approach.
About Afghanistan
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Mexican Drug Cartels, Hezbollah Strengthen Ties

Not sure where these t00ls get their news. Afghans produce opium, and a damn fine quality of opium at that - ask the Europeans, they're willing to kill for it apparently. Yet another go at scaring the crap out of "soccer moms" and "security moms" and closet Klan/Militia/Conspiracy Theorist (Rethuglican, in summation). He//, while at it throw in some other theories like the Martians are controlling our Government and Obama is really Zoltan! Open your eyes, for the love of God!
About Mexico
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Mexican Drug Cartels, Hezbollah Strengthen Ties

Sharing the same sentiment and wondering how a totally bull$hit news from the Moonie paper made it into this site - maybe the neo-CONs have now given up on the Iraqi bogeyman. Something else to focus on to scare the bajesus out of the Americans. Heck, could mean another war, starvation, subjugation, humiliation, mass-murder of another set of people that don't share the same color or religion. Typical Rethuglican family values.
About Mexico
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Irving Levine, Longtime NBC Newsman, Dies At 86

Mr. Levine was a quintessential gentleman who explained the markets, the economy or for that matter any other issue at hand with ease and utmost professionalism None of this farcical comedy routines like that of Cramer. His deliberation was always serious, with just enough humorous slant so one would crack a smile.

I miss him already.
About NBC
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Allen Stanford 'Is Not Madoff', Says His Lawyer

You see, shmucks like us just don't understand why these mega rich people like Standford need our Government's help through drastic tax cuts as proposed by Messrs. Boehner, Cantor and other Rethuglican Illuminati. Why, that's how these super rich will turn around and give it back to the community and the nation at large by creating jobs - NOT!!!!

What a crock of $shit that's been peddled by the Rethuglicans for decades, bought by the mindless Limbaugh ditto-head drones and pandered to by every Rethuglican politician - be it Local, State or for the Federal office. I don't mind going down with this economy, but I'd at least know that this very point of mine would've proven itself. Maybe the pro-Gun/God-fearing/anti-Gay hate-mongering xenophobes will finally learn that they've been duped by the likes of Stanford and his puppet politicians for eons and how they've voted counter to their real interests all these years.

This "depression" maybe the exact methadone needed to cure the addiction of these masses to the aformentioned opiate!
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CNN's Ed Henry On Obama "Slap": "No Hard Feelings"

Look Ma, I didn't get hurt. I swear I didn't get hurt, promise.

Dude, you got pwned by the POTUS.
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Madoff Liquidator Has $2.6 Billion, Enough To Pay Back "Legitimate Claims"

Googled an interesting article about this, not sure whether the dude is for real or not but seem to make some valid points:

About Bernard Madoff
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Friday, March 27, 2009

Obama and Clinton on Drugs: Just Say No. . . Sometimes?

Looks like Phil is looking for a job at HuffPo, good move. Although I'd hate to see SF Chronicle shut dwon, but it almost seems inevitable given what the other newspapers around the country are going through. No worries brother, HuffPo is a great place to park yourself and continue contributing journalistic wisdom!
About Mexico's Drug War
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Russia To Create Arctic Military Force

With what money? Russia doesn't have a pot to pi$$ in, let alone some newfangled military branch/wing.
About Russia
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Madoff Liquidator Has $2.6 Billion, Enough To Pay Back "Legitimate Claims"

Then again, who are the: perpetrators, claimants, fictitious foundation heads, arbitrators and overseers? I rest my case!
About Bernard Madoff
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Lauren Bush, W.'s Niece, Debuts Fashion Label Under Different Name (PHOTOS)

I'm surprised that Michelle Malkin isn't calling for Lauren's head for wearing the Kafia, the way she did for Rachel Ray in the Dunkin Donut commercial.
About Photo Galleries
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Taliban Denies Polio Vaccine To 300,000 Children

A classic case of poison pill. For the last six or seven decades, the United States has toppled democratically elected Governments all over the world, supported nefarious/shady dictators/rulers and pushed away the moderate elements of the society in countries such as Pakistan - all with a single purpose of defeating the commies. Well, the infamous words of Rev. Wright that "America's chickens have come home to roost" is not far from the truth, is it?

I remember so vividly going to Swat as part of my school's field trip. Even as a little kid in the fifth grade I could appreciate and be mesmerized by the beauty I was witnessing, almost as described in James Hilton's "Lost Horizon". Azure sky blanketing the entire lush green valley with colorful square homes at the edge of the Swat river. I slipped and fell in the river off of a large round rock and my teacher had to pull me out, having to wrap me in her shawl. The water was cold, but somehow I felt baptized in it.

All I have left of that trip are these memories, some faded black and white pictures and a very heavy heart that's unable to reconcile them with what's happening there today.
About Pakistan
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Thursday, March 26, 2009

New York Times Announces Pay Cuts, Layoffs

Looks like Ariana will be owning NYT, WaPo and other large newspapers! Aggregating and then value-adding sites like HuffPo are doing fantastic. Unless these papers change their Internet model (i.e., start charging like UPI, AP, etc. for the news their journalists write and protect the content, change to subscription model rather than advertising alone, etc.), they will be dead within a few months - yes, months not years.
About Newspapers
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Jindal Spurns Obama's Jobless Aid as Mayor Pleads 'Help Me Now'

Spot on. However, your point about voting against their own economic interests spans across the States that are similar - mostly "CONservative" States. They're so married to the whole Guns/God/Gay issue that these m@rons forget to see past their nose.
About Barack Obama
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Jindal Spurns Obama's Jobless Aid as Mayor Pleads 'Help Me Now'

This is awesome, clarifies the motives of tr0lls like Jindal - 100% political and all at the expense of the poor and downtrodden. I hope this comes back and bites Jindal in the a$$ to cause his well-timed political death - I can't stand this excuse of a human being, who'd rather further his ambition than the good of his constituency.
About Barack Obama
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Google To Cut 200 Workers In Second Round Of Layoffs

I bet none of those cuts were made overseas, especially in India. See, it's far more cost effective to lay off a first world person than a third world person - with workers productivity and intelligence being equal, it's no rocket science. I'm curious to find out.
About Layoffs
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Israel: White Phosphorus Use Evidence of War Crimes (VIDEO)

Sounds like Richard Pearl in disguiset? War, according to Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as " a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or nations". That would mean, according to your logic, that this was/is war that gives Hamas/Gaza the status of a state or nation! What the Israelis wrought can be called atrocities, cruelty, mass murder, slaughter, massacre - but not war. Then again, heartless and gutless b@stards like you only give two $hits about it if its your lily-white a$$es are in the sling, not some A-rab.
About Israel
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Alaska Legislators Going Around Palin To Get Stimulus Funds

On this one, she bluffed the Alaskan legislators with a really $hitty pair of duces. She aligns herself with the Rethug leadership (hmm, an oxymoron but whatever) by rejecting the money and as not to be trumped by Piyush (oh, Bobby Jindal for you uninitiated), knowing full well that her State needs it and that the legislature will capitulate - well played indeed. The Alaska legislator should've played the game of chicken with her, but they must've lost their cojones along the way. Sounds like a win-win for her - unfortunately.
About Stimulus Package
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Socialism, Facism, Communism: Obama Attacked With Wave Of "Isms" (VIDEO)

Bingo! Must've hit your nerve right on the money - or am I off the unedumacated, $hit-for-brains or both marks? I'm pretty sure I hit that nerve square between both, and yes, truth hurts ... No worries - get up, dust off, start reading "The Nation" or Economist for that matter and get yourself enlightened.
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Steele Open To Running For President, Claims Limbaugh Blow-Up Was Planned

Yeah, blowup about as planned as an accident. Liar, liar pants on fire.
About Michael Steele
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Socialism, Facism, Communism: Obama Attacked With Wave Of "Isms" (VIDEO)

Predigested, regurgitated and mindless banter served as porridge to the $hit-for-brains unedumacated horde of right-wingers who gobble it like it's going out of style.
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Twice-Divorced Newt Gingrich Attacks Obama's "Anti-Catholic Values"

Fuching m@ron, left her dying on the cancer bed while he ran off with the second one. Typical Rethuglican family values.
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Condoleezza Rice On Jay Leno: Says She Won't Criticize Obama Like Cheney Is (VIDEO)

Who cares what Aunt Jemima thinks anymore, she's lost her credibility for good. She used to be quite intelligent and rational person, but got wrapped up with the neo-CON cabal. History will not judge her well and she knows it. Coming to the late night show circuit to somehow disassociate or distance herself from the neo-CONS like Cheney won't work anymore. The damage is done, it's lasting and will forever remain as a scarlet letter carved on her persona.

I respectfully suggest Ms. Rice to start repenting for her sins and hope that all of the souls she took away in Iraq through inaction or sheer complicity will find in their hearts to forgive her for what she has wrought!
About Jay Leno
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F-22 Crashes In California Desert, Air Force Says

BTW, to all the Aces from one of the Canadian Aces, John Gillespie Magee, Jr - HIGH FLIGHT:

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth

And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

Of sun-split clouds, " and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of " wheeled and soared and swung

High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,

I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung

My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue

I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace

Where never lark, or ever eagle flew "

And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod

The high untrespassed sanctity of space,

Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.
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High Flight

My Favorite Poem:

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
Of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there,
I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air. . . .

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue
I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace
Where never lark, or ever eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

— John Gillespie Magee, Jr

F-22 Crashes In California Desert, Air Force Says

This jet would normally have been flown by a fairly senior pilot. This is really sad, hope they find him or her alive and well.
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Rachel Maddow Mixes Cocktails With Jimmy Fallon, Says He Needs To "Drink A More Manly Drink" (VIDEO)

Scotch, neat - nothing else baby! Rachel is the only woman that has ever made me want to change my gender, just so I could have a shot at her!
About Rachel Maddow
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Netanyahu Vows To Resume Peace Talks With Palestinians

Yeah, the new compassionate conservative Netanyahu! He'll give you a sip of water before clubbing you to death with a hammer.
About Israel
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One Small Problem With Geithner's Plan: It Will Bankrupt The Banks

Now what would Blodget know about fiscal or monetary policy, other than to squander other people's money in new fangled schemes! I'd make sure to shut my trap if I was trying to get back into the graces of the people I'm to advise after having misjudged the market so horribly.
About Timothy Geithner
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Bill Bennett: Conservative Idea That Press In Love With Obama Disproven (VIDEO)

Yeah, LMAO! Especially Ed Henry, the POTUS wiped his A$$ with that t00l. I can't believe that a morally skewed tr0ll like Bennett would have the gall to point anything out - his credibility was lost a long time ago along with his poker chips!

Henry tried to get cute, pretended that he's in the same league as Stewart/Colbert/Maher and got pwned! C'est la vie!
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