Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Is Bias Creeping Into Murdoch's Wall Street Journal?
Murdoch is a consummate businessman. He's figured out the old 80/20 rule; 80% of imbeciles, being led by 20% of the smart people (in this case, conniving people!) Over 54 million people voted for the vanquished ticket last year, most of whom voted out of sheer bias towards the current POTUS, familial or party loyalty or their misguided belief in the "promise" offered by the Rethuglicans. Nonetheless, that's an enormous block of target consumer/audience and any media mogul's wet dream.
WSJ gives Murdoch the top cover of "serious" journalism (not predicting the current demise, IMO, takes away any credibility of this paper). Rest of his holdings are nothing more than tripe factories, churning out mind-numbing, shallow, predigested and regurgitated gruel of disinformation.
However, to his credit - his business strategy focusing on this large block of imbeciles is nothing short of brilliant. Besides, regressing IQs create more and more customers!
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Roman Polanski's Films: Which Is Your Favorite? (PHOTOS, POLL)
"Hollywood, defending its own ...." Spot on! Hollywood Jevvry will distort any fact, vilify the most innocent, bend any rule, subvert the truth/lie/obfuscate and aggrandize the most trivial to support/prop one of "its own". Who gives two $hits about this pedo's "body of work", none of these drooling admirers would post a single kind word if the perp wasn't "one of their own".
Imagine a N@zi guard from Dachau, roughly the same age as R0man who gets identified as the rap/st by one of his 13YO victims in the camp - this same crowd will hunt him down to the end of the earth, and rightfully so! Maybe R0man ought to consider this as a script!
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Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Political Risks Of Tweeting In The Land Of Sacred Cows
Not much difference between BJP, Jihadis, Taliban and the ultra-right-wing evangelical community on this side of the pond - they may not be blood brethren, but ideological bonds couldn't be any tighter.
About India
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Census Worker Killed By Asphyxiation: Police
No one gives two $hits about your views (or mine for that matter), everyone is entitled to their opinion - just like bung holes, we all got 'em and they all stink for the one smelling it.
However, you're definitely self-l0athing. Especially if your claim of graduating from Howard are true (proly on Uncle Sam's dime). If indeed true, then you of all the people ought to know that it's not laziness, lack of education or weakness. All you have to do is stroll on over to Ballou High and appreciate the fact that despite all the odds against those kids, and centuries of oppression those kids remain indefatigable!
Doubt if you'd have the courage to show your face at your old Alma Mater (or especially at Ballou) and rant against these facts - doubt further that you're an African American, for no proud black man would ever stoop below Uncle Tom!
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Thomas Friedman: We Need A Partner In Afghanistan (VIDEO)
Don't count on Friedman to provide true coverage of what's going on there - all he's capable of is to support illegal invasions and starts bl0viating against them when they go bad - which they always do!
I'd buy that the Afghan war is the "good war", but who are we fighting there? Certainly not AQ and UBL anymore! Fighting Taliban has done nothing but create martyrs for the Pakistanis and has further radicalized the area - with no clear goals/objectives and a clear exit strategy.
About Afghanistan
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MSNBC's Ratigan Interviews Michael Moore, Alludes To Why He Left CNBC
Absolutely true! At least the British Economists felt guilty enough and begged Queen's forgiveness for not predicting the recent financial meltdown. On the other hand, CNBC continues an incestuous relationship with the Wall St. Heck, even the famous Stanley Bing (Nom de Plume of Fortune's Gil Schwartz) recently posted his concerns right here at HP after viewing this movie.
I hope that everyone in America gets to see Michael Moore's movie - it clears the puss off of what the "Birthers" and "Tea Baggers" so admire, the phony casino capitalism and a faux sense of market neutrality! I suppose, in the end, Ratigan's conscience got to him and he couldn't live with the lies that CNBC keeps spouting on a daily basis (even if cute chics like Erin continue to serve as the proverbial lipstick on this p/g)!
About Michael Moore
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Roman Polanski ARRESTED: Director In Custody In Switzerland
Because he's "one of Hollywood's own", of the "chosen" people .... Heck, they'd perform a citizen's arrest on him if he was a Gent/le; He r@ped and vi0lated a 13YO baby-girl and then fled the country knowing what he did was manifestly wrong; He is no different than any other child m0lester, but you won't find similar perps getting Palm d'Or!
What's startling is not his sh@meful defense by these ap0l0gists, but statement like; She forgave him, we shouldn't pick on an old man, there are others, bigger cr/mes taking place, etc, etc. - I wonder what these same people will say if P0lansk/ was a N@zi camp guard, who did the same, was on the run and this old?
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Saturday, September 26, 2009
Obama Issues Ultimatum To Iran On Nukes
The neo-CONs placating the "rapture" crowd on the far right did their job during the last administration, now the "Liberal" Jevvs surrounding this administration are beating the war drums in this go round - a perfect pincer movement indeed!
About Nuclear Weapons
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Census Worker Killed By Asphyxiation: Police
This hysteria was started by Michelle Bachmann, the teabagger queen from MN. His blood is on her hand for inciting mentally unstable and radicals in committing this heinous crime:
She should be called out on the House floor to apologize, not only to the victim, but should be asked to calm down her tea-bagger constituency of goons she has riled up ......
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Susan Atkins Dead: Manson Follower Who Killed Sharon Tate Dies
Exactly what Roshni said. If that's the case (i.e., that's not what Jesus would do), then why is it that the Bible-belt is the most vociferous advocate of wars against non-Christians?
Any organized religion is a pustule on humanity's scr0tum; However, radical Christians seem to be st00pid enough to fall for the fire-breathing preachers every Sunday; just like their Taliban brethren do every Friday!
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Obama: Iran Has Secret Nuclear Facility
Yeah, the previous administration sure kicked some a$$ didn't they; $2 Trillion and counting in the h0le, bankrupt and begging from Japan/China in a floundering-at-best economy that's led by the "chosen" people resulting in a paycheck-to-paycheck uncouth / under-educated class; on a perfect trajectory to another severe economic depression - I'm sure invading another country will fix all of that; LoL.
About G-20 Summit
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Obama: Iran Has Secret Nuclear Facility
Another card carrying A/PAC shi// - remove your y@rmu/ke slowly and walk away from the keyboard son ....
About G-20 Summit
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Obama: Iran Has Secret Nuclear Facility
Duh .... You must be from the "fair and balanced crowd". Logic would dictate that if one party, regardless of its renowned pogrom against one people (Wh/te ph0sphor0us b0mb/ng of civilian Pa/estini/ans for one), gets away with it every time and its victims (Pa/estini/ans) are further victimized in an international body (UN) when the said party's proxy (Un/ted St@tes) refuses to acknowledge the perpetrated pogrom despite the facts on the ground;
That, Hoss, is gen0cide and makes these resolution you drivel out more worthless than the bits/bytes in this thread - get it, or need I explain further?
About G-20 Summit
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Friday, September 25, 2009
Obama: Iran Has Secret Nuclear Facility
LoL, Zi0nist apologist working OT - give it a rest, at least until the numbness in your fingertips goes away and/or you get your senses back; your rationale is getting more and more delusional with every post - "law abiding /srael" is an oxymoron; yeah, tell that to Rachel Corrie's family - I'm sure the IDF bulldozed her alive while obeying the law! Go refill your crack pipe!
About G-20 Summit
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Loyal Employee Burned By Bankruptcy Considering Revenge Default On Mortgage
I can understand the temptation, but she's only going to end up hurting herself in the end. Executive compensation is a joke in the US. The CEO of the world's largest bank (Chinese, of course) was compensated ~$237K last year - go figure! The uber capitalist system State-side turned these utterly clueless/useless "upper management" suits into industry rock stars, lavishing mega salaries and bonuses; they couldn't manage their sock-drawers let alone a multi-billion dollar company
I pitty the a$$h0les who continue to worship the "value" of the Board/Directors/Chairs and CEOs of publicly traded companies - they don't know their a$$ from a h0le in the ground when it comes to running a business and who have no compunction in pi$$ing away common-stockholders' money! They can all rot in some far flung jail.
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The Big Bailout of '08: Hindsight Is Blind
"n the other hand, where would we be if the so-called free-marketplace had been allowed to go down, to be righteously allowed to fail? Every single person now reading this, and even those losers who aren't, would be up the creek."
Sorry, I respectfully disagree with you on this - the system should've been left to fail; how else are we to rid ourselves of this pustule? Yes, it would be painful for a while, but there are plenty of conscientious and honorable people who could've helped to establish a fair and manageable system devoid of the gimmickry and greed; yourself to name one.
I'm, however, amused at great Stanley Bing having to wrestle with the financial conundrum we mere mortals find ourselves in, as so rightfully pointed out by Mr. Moore; Alas - to be or not to be, that is the question?
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Sorry, I respectfully disagree with you on this - the system should've been left to fail; how else are we to rid ourselves of this pustule? Yes, it would be painful for a while, but there are plenty of conscientious and honorable people who could've helped to establish a fair and manageable system devoid of the gimmickry and greed; yourself to name one.
I'm, however, amused at great Stanley Bing having to wrestle with the financial conundrum we mere mortals find ourselves in, as so rightfully pointed out by Mr. Moore; Alas - to be or not to be, that is the question?
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Tim Russert's Father "Big Russ" Dies At 85
Rest in peace. Condolences to the family. Tim's book on his dad "Big Russ" is amazing, something everyone could learn a few things from.
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Thursday, September 24, 2009
Pat Roberts Pleads For Three-Day Delay So Lobbyists Can Read Health Care Legislation (VIDEO)
It's the policy st00pid, what did you think brought about Afghanistan/Iraq and other fiasco - Wilsonian meddling, with of course your genius B00sh at the helm.
I'd rather a medical bill get rammed through vs. a $2 trillion unnecessary war - waged for the sole purpose of fattening the Military Industrial Complex. Never understood why y'all don't mind spending money like drunken sailors when it's about bombing some far flung country with colored people!
About Lobby Blog
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Media Banned As Glenn Beck Receives Key To Mount Vernon
Make sure to wrap the aluminium foil tighter around your head, you're letting in too much paranoia.
BTW, you forgot to mention the K/an, maybe they're are not radical enough? I suggest including the Wa// Street, they've done more damage to the core of this nation than any other organized crime syndicate - but that, somehow, doesn't seem to bother "your kind" - y'all been getting screvved for so long, you forgot what it's like not getting screvved! Talk about "d.u-m.b as a c/am" crowd .....
About Glenn Beck
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Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Lanny Davis Wants Everyone To Be Nicer To Each Other
Thank you, 'Ol Lanny can't get over the fact that Jimmy hasn't bought A/PAC crap since he became the presiden - Lanny needs to pound more sand, he's more irrelevant than ever before!
About Video
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Al Franken Trumps DOJ Official With The 4th Amendment
Go Al, you're already delivering on your promises - which is more than what can be said about others! Thank you.
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Kim Zolciak Stripper Allegations: 'Housewife' Danced As 'Barbi?'
And that's suppose to be a surprise! Unadulterated trailer park trash.
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FDIC May Ask Banks For Bailout
LoL - borrow from Peter to pay Paul, club Paul in the head and steal his money, lend it to Peter at proscribed usury rates, take Peter's first-born when he can't pay - rinse repeat!
About Banks
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FDIC May Ask Banks For Bailout
Good idea, but It would be $300,000,000,000,000.00 ($1M x 300M people) not $300M - you're thinking buck a pop!
About Banks
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Monday, September 21, 2009
Carrie Prejean: Miss California Gives Rambling Speech, Starts Crying At "Values Voters Summit" (VIDEO)
D.umb as a C/am! This is the best Rethuglicans have to offer, no wonder this country has slid closer to being Talibanistan - IQ less than room temperature and moral equivalence of a sanctim0ni0us big0t !
"... I live in the greatest country in the world" - no sweetie, your forefathers may have, you're now living in a country that was r@ped and pi//aged by your party of "value voters" turning it into the third world country it is today!
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Sunday, September 20, 2009
John Thain: Ikea Would Have Been A Better Choice For My Office Renovation
Interesting, us "pitchfork carriers" knew better than the Wall St. hotshots to pull out of the market well in advance. Wonder what you'd call the carnage before us - a testament to Wall Street's genius? How does it feel to be the butt of jokes for Chinese of all the people, and getting lectured by their leaders on fiscal/monetary policy?
Sorry, you can't paint a lipstick of any shade on this p/g called Merrill Lynch and make it look seksy! Your assertion that there was "... still a market for the debt that remained on Merrill's books" makes them look even more incompetent and the situation at that time laughable - they basically didn't know their a$$ from a h0le in the ground!
About Merrill Lynch
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Ashley Dupre Invited To, Then Uninvited From Tommy Hilfiger Party
Hi//figer is total d0uchebag! I doubt if he'd have "uninvited" Sp/tzer from the party - what a crock of double standard! I've never bought a single thread from this m0r0n and never will.
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Inter-Risk Company, US-Contracted Security Firm, Raided By Pakistani Police
Our entire security apparatus has already been sold to Xe (Blackwater), Triple-Canopy and Wackenhut - starting with the B00sh administration; right before our very own eyes. Che Knee made sure that his cronies could payback in more than kindness to the Gee Oh Pea - with kickbacks in the form of election contributions.
Paki military takes bribes behind closed doors, whereas Che Knee et. al. screvved the American people in broad daylight - all the while getting a standing ovation from the clueless population that submitted its wits out of fear - LoL!
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Joe Wilson Election: Chances Damaged By Outburst
Don't bet on it. SC voters are just as r@cists and big0ts as Wilson - he couldn't have paid for a better constituency. If anything, he'll win it by a landslide!
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Saturday, September 19, 2009
John Thain: Ikea Would Have Been A Better Choice For My Office Renovation
Regardless of what Stan did, it was Thain at the helm and should've blown the whistle as soon as he reviewed the books. He was either incompetent, arrogantly ignorant, complicit or all of the above. Cut from the same cloth of weasels who didn't give two $hits about the long term prospects of the company, its stakeholders and customers - only short term quarterly returns and a few shekels in "shareholder equity"; just like a lot of other Unfortunate 500s out there. To top it all off, buying $6,800 for a commode, which shows nothing but contempt for the working class. He was playing fiddle, while the entire house of cards burnt to the ground.
BTW, he didn't save Merril Lynch, the Fed mafia did.
About Merrill Lynch
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Bill O'Reilly Backs Public Option (VIDEO)
"... if the Government can cobble together a cheaper plan" - LoL. His disdain for anything public is drenched with his factually-refuted cynicism towards publicly sponsored and supported services. Government will do a lot more than "cobble together", it will do it better/cheaper (e.g., Army Corps of Engineers vs. Halliburton; Marines vs. Blackwater, etc.). Eff Bill O'rly, the nouveau "Daddy Warbucks".
About Health Care
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Eva Amurri's Stripper Role: "I Was Quite Banged Up," It's "Empowering"
Hallelujah ..... When did this shift occur, perpetuating the myth that guys like s/uts? Men, in general, want a drama-free successful woman who can make them a better man, and yes, be sexy when intimate, not out twirling with a pole wrapped between their legs!
About Video
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The Goldstone Report: Three Strikes and You're Out!
Another Israeli apologist - no surprise here! Apparently an exhaustive report, conducted by an eminently qualified person, can't seem to convince these apologists of the truth. Repeating a lie over and over won't change the facts on the ground. It has always been heartening to know that some of the fairest, observant and conscientious human-rights advocates and activists have been, are and will be Jewish!
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John Stossel: Working At ABC Was "Frustrating"
Nah, don't hold your breath - he was always a closet big0t. The "frustration" he speaks of is the journalistic integrity at ABC, which, I'm sure, won't be much of an issue over at Fox - tabloid Tee Vee! With a big new playground for his covert racism/bigotry and mentoring by the likes of Beck and O'Rley - he'd do just fine!
About ABC
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GOP Leadership Worried About Damage To Party's Reputation From Base
Messrs. Cantor and Boehner,
Please don't muzzle this Rethuglican "poster child" of blissful ign0rance. She's part of the very lunatic fringe, which has given credence (at least in the right-wing-nut-job community) to birthers, tea-baggers, and death-panel-liars. She should be allowed to continue bringing down the collective IQ of the Rethuglican party so that it remains the party of choice for under educated, paycheck-to-paycheck, self-l0athing hi//bi//ies, mullet-heads and Bib/e thumpers. Sincerely,
Zuker Vati
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John Thain: Ikea Would Have Been A Better Choice For My Office Renovation
This tr0ll ought to tie a few heavy chains and jump in the Hudson. He has single handedly destroyed the dreams of young parents and sealed the fate of so many retirees - it'd be a shame if he didn't. To his admission I say, No $hit Sherlock!
I've never understood why CEOs of publicly traded companies get millions in compensation, even though year-on-year revenues are negative? The only explanation that I've been able to come up with is that stock-based ownership offers the stock holder a wild-a$$ promise of future returns and a pittance in dividends, while the "insiders" like Thain r@pe and pi//age the system - helmsmen of d00m.
About Merrill Lynch
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Friday, September 18, 2009
Irving Kristol Dead At 89
My heart goes out to all the innocents who lost their lives because of his relentless putsch of indiscriminate wars and pogrom towards a few. I wish him a Sisyphusian he// where he's burned, every day, for every innocent life lost as a result of his promulgated policies - the original DNA mutation that metastasized into the neo-CON cancer that won't seem to go away. Good riddance and hopefully Billy boy will follow shortly.
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Goldstone Gaza Report Accurately Sees Evidence Of "Persecution" Of Palestinians: Philip Weiss
It is interesting how the only articles that are "Fully Moderated" have everything to do with accurate and fair reporting of something that Israeli Government is called out on. Looks like a serious cash infusion from AIPAC! We need JStreet to counterbalance this "moderation".
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Poles, Czechs: U.S. Missile Defense Shift A "Betrayal"
LoL. These b@stards no longer have a free t/t to suck on, no wonder they're squealing like greedy p/gs. Eff em!
About Nuclear Weapons
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Thursday, September 17, 2009
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Accused of Promoting Israeli Propaganda
Naomi Klien is also a signatory - that all about wraps it up for me, no further proof needed!
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Rohrabacher Berates Iraqis: Be More Grateful!
Someone remind this a$$h0le that devastating a country, ki//ing their population and b0mbing them to stone age will not garner gratitude! What a dim-witted schmuck.
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Van Jones Breaks Silence On Resignation: 'Nothing But Love For Obama'
If by "most" you mean those with an IQ of less than room temperature then you're on the mark. Never forget the 80/20 rule - 80% du.mb a$$es, led by 20% of the smart ones; this rule is just as applicable on the TV viewers. After all, 54 million voted for the opposite ticket last year - you'd have to be one of the "birthers", "tea baggers", r@cists or xenophobes to have voted for that sorry-a$$ ticket. Now take 80% of that 54M and you've got plenty of clowns to watch the Faux Noise!
Eating predigested and regurgitated gruel fed on the Faux Noise to their vacuous viewers is a testament to only one truth - the majority that watches Faux Noise belongs to the 80%!
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Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Murdoch Predicts Death Of Print Unions
Faux N00se --> loss of IQ --> ill informed citizenry --> no truth seeking --> loss of true journalism --> Higher ratings for Faux N00se; Old Rupe is the real Fox, has it all figured out - dumber the viewers, the less effort that needs to go into telling the truth. Besides, once the papers are dead there won't be any unions to deal with!
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Santorum 2012 Run Against "Injurious" Obama Considered
Appalin/Sanitarium for 2012 - The choice ticket of Birthers and Tea-Baggers!
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