Sunday, April 12, 2009

Iran Is Making Fools of Everyone

As usual, a well thought out post. I've been trying to engage with several folks on your posited argument that Iran, despite their bluster and being labeled as the "Islamic Terrorists", would never jeopardize the holiest sites in Israel. As you pointed out, the Dome of the Rock is the second holiest site for all Muslims, including the Shias. It's like asking a certain sect of Christianity to burn the Shroud of Turin - not going to happen. Even if you consider the Iranians crazy, they're not going to want the wrath of all Muslims by destroying something that's so revered by them all.

All this nonsense, ginned up and subsequently spewed by the major AIPAC contributors like Mr. Zukerman (who, as proxy, are responsible for the apartheid, genocide, massacre and routine starvation of innocent Palestinians) is nothing more than a continued ruse to use their media to subvert the truth and keep the American people misinformed. Guess what chief, the Americans have woken up and they aren"t buying your Bull$hit anymore! A lot of hyperbole and anti-Semitism noted on this site. However, the research is valid
About Barack Obama
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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