Sunday, April 12, 2009

Georgians Threaten Saakashvili With Mass Civil Disobedience

If one plays "follow the money" game with these nefarious "think tanks" like the Heritage and Hudson institutes, you quickly figure out who's bidding they're doing (

In a nutshell, all large donors/organizations that pander to the right-wing causes such as the Miliary Industrial/Chemical Complex, anti-environmnet/global warming skeptics and the "family values" proponents (which translate into let's keep busting the Unions and ensure that the middle-class never rises in power/intellect to challenge the ruling class).

Surprisingly, their stale/defunct/failed idealogy continues to attract the middle and lower middle class. Then again, the South and mid-West has voted aginst their own interest for decades!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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