Sunday, May 31, 2009
US-Cuba Immigration Talks To Resume: Official
Right on. I can't believe how petty the USA, or at least the ExPat-Cuban-lobby is when it comes to Cuba. We've done business with some of the worst regimes (as you pointed out), but just can't get over this tiny little island South of us. Shame on the American politicians and the ExPats who think that life for an ordinary Cuban was any better under the iron and bloody fist of Batista and his henchmen! If we had engaged this regime thirty years ago, we'd be sipping Mojitos and toking Cohiba Esplendido in the finest casinos in Havana - with the Cuban people, and NOT the dictators, benefiting from our vices!
I'm glad and proud of the fact that our new POTUS is taking on this nonsensical policy.
About Immigration
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Bush, Clinton Appear Together In Toronto
One is good at getting BJ and the other is good at giving BS.
About George Bush
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Is John Bolton Right About North Korea?
John Bolton, or for that matter any of the neo-CONs, have never been right - not a single shred of evidence has proven them even close to being right.
About Foreign Policy
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Daniel Herschkowitz: 'Obama's Settlement Decrees Are Like The Pharaoh's'
As heartened one is by the dialog on this thread and support for POTUS' views on this issue, I wouldn't hold my breath - just look at his cabinet, his largest contributors and his pragmatism knowing that he's got to run in 2012. He'd have a snow ball's chance in he// if he pi$$es off AIPAC, AEI and Dershowitz et. al. No one makes it to the top without bowing at the altar of these gods!
About Barack Obama
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
Military Companies Vying For Billions Of Dollars In Cyberwarfare Defense Contracts
Boy, should all of us be this lucky where we get the chance to live in a welfare state that comprises of "engineers". He//, that's been our problem all along, too many "soft" majors and not enough real engineers - not sure what you're toking but it must be really good!
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Military Companies Vying For Billions Of Dollars In Cyberwarfare Defense Contracts
You may have touched on something that I'm not sure has been made clear by the administration. No H1-B or outsourcing of these contracts - that should be the stipulation, not just for this but other Government contracts from here on. Luckily, you have to be a US Citizen to work on DoD contracts (in order to obtain appropriate Security Clearance). I'm afraid, however, that the large contractors will try to find a loophole to fatten their take-home.
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Gustavo Villoldo, Man Who Tracked Che For The CIA, Awarded $1 Billion In Lawsuit
Miami has become nothing more than the ex-pat Cuban occupied territory. They consistently vote for politicians who perpetuate anti-Cuba policies - typically all Rethuglicans. How ironic about the comment you pointed out " .... They can't get away with torture", somebody should remind them of their complicity with Boosh et. al.
About Cuba
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Friday, May 29, 2009
Limbaugh: Nominating Sotomayor Like Nominating David Duke
Thanks batguano, similar observation here. It's as if HP and other online media are reversing the role and turning into the old MSM, with MSM demise become more and more imminent. If we needed the "Letters to the Editor" screening and experience, we wouldn't be here at the HP site!
About Sonia Sotomayor
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Petraeus Says U.S. Violated Geneva Conventions - What Will Cheney and Rush Say?
I whole heartedly concur with you. I've never served in the forces, but I've certainly served the brass and the civis at the head-shed for a very long time. Totally agree on the a$$ kissing comment - I've seen the best of them make their decisions based on the prevailing wind, something to do with being appointed rather than earning the stars on merit.
About Dick Cheney
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Limbaugh: Nominating Sotomayor Like Nominating David Duke
One stoops to this level when one doesn't have anything of substance to say! Let these b0z0s keep spewing the hate for haters never win! GeeOhPee has become the bastion of whining white men, who seem to have serious case of sexual repression - I strongly suggest they visit their local shrink to get over their "mommy" issues!
About Sonia Sotomayor
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Obama Five Guys Visit: Orders Cheeseburger (SLIDESHOW)
Five Guys is an awesome burger joint, you've got to try them. I eat there at least once a month, even before they became a franchise - custom built hamburgers with fresh meat, peanut oil cooked fresh fries and all the condiments you want. Hebrew National hot-dogs if you like something quick and fresh peanuts to munch while you wait - good choice Mr. President.
About Photo Galleries
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Crash diet: GM getting in shape for Chapter 11
Rethuglicans still won't admit that GM is effectively nationalized - I'm sure Hegel, Nietzsche and Marx are LoL in their graves!
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Obama: My Campaign Website Was Hacked
Likes! Couldn't have expected anything less from the Rethugs - from Watergate to now, same creed!
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VIDEO: Craig T. Nelson 's Glenn Beck Tax Rant
Just another closet White supremacist - scratch a Rethuglican, find a Klan.
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Accountants, Washington Helping Banks Fluff Profits
Just the recent changes in "mark to market" alone help boost the quarterly profits of these big bogus banks by billions. Nothing more than the same charade, lies and obfuscations. This house of cards can't be kept propped up even by the most well intentioned or rabid capitalists. The entire banking system is rotten to its core. The Federal Reserve, simply put, is nothing more than the foxes guarding a hen house - Wiki it, it comprises of member banks, who lend money to us, by pushing the Government to print more money, which we than use to bail these very banks - guess who's getting screwed here in this circle jerk?
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Israel Lancho, Spanish Bullfighter Gored (VIDEO, PHOTOS)
Had it coming! I hope that this is a lesson to all who enjoy this warped form of entertainment - sick and vile, looking forward to more carnage from the Bulls.
About Sports
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Obama Takes Toughest Stance With Israel In A Generation
I'm sure POTUS has them Quaking In Their Boots! As the old English saying goes, believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. So far all I've heard from this administration on this issue is the sound of chirping crickets.
About Barack Obama
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Mortgage Crisis: 12% Are Late, Foreclosed
The House of Cards Crumbles:
Special Interest (neo-CONs/AEI/AIPAC/Military Industrial Chemical Complex/Bankers/Money Changers) wanted a war in the greater Middle-East with the blood, toil, tears and sweat of our brave soldiers; at no cost to them. They waged it precisely as outlined in Naomi Klien's seminal book "The Shock Doctrine", through fear mongering, propaganda and with the abject complicity of a dim-witted/uncouth/frightfully ignorant POTUS at that time.
They borrowed money like drunken soldiers from the Chinese by selling our future on the back of hyper-inflated properties - the very properties on which the bankers and the money-changers kept making repeated low-doc or NINJA loans with impunity and turned these loans into CDOs/CDSs/SIV and other three-letter apocryphal and worthless investments The B@ll-less Congress kept rubber-stamping the war supplemental requests and adding the tab on our future. Here we are; broke and up Sh/it creek without a peddle!
As someone who didn't fear the truth once said " ... America's chickens have come home to roost"
About Housing Crisis
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"Harry Potter" Star Emma Watson Poses As Nun For Lagerfeld
Emma Watson is a very bright, lovely young woman who hasn't let her fame get in the way of her larger ambitions - at least according to one of her interviews I read. I hope she does the right thing by keeping her ambitions alive when she's all grown up - betterment of humanity.
About Fashion
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Netherlands Prisons Closing For Lack Of Criminals
LoL - somebody tell that to haters like Pudge Limp-O and Inanity. With results like these, they'd have no one to scare the he// out of.
About Crime
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Kavya Shivashankar, 13, Kansas Girl, Wins National Spelling Bee
Asians/East Indians have a better command of the English language than the Westerners? WTF? No wonder the H1-B crowd is kicking a$$ - LoL.
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Towns Ponder Bankruptcy During Recession
Small towns paying the price for the deeds of Bush, Cheney and the neo-CONs' small minds!
About Bankruptcy
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Steinhardt, Hedge Fund Vet Now 'Less Of A Capitalist'
Well duh, let me lend you my copy of "Das Kapital". This mess was as predictable as rising of the sun the following day - read it an weep!
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
White House Combines Homeland Security And National Security Councils
Has anyone looked at the NSC and HSC membership of the last administration - talk about a drunken neo-CON toga party! Just sends shiver down my spine!
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"Jon & Kate" Ratings Record: 9.8 Million For Season Five Premiere
Well, the ploy worked. All of the crap they were putting out in the rags, etc. was for one and only one thing - publicity, and it worked like a charm! Let this be a lesson for people who get caught in the over hype.
I've never watched this show, but had a suspicion when they kept popping up in the media everywhere. To me, watching this show would be like get a capsaicin enema!
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U.S. Government Expected To Own 70% Of GM
Not sure how long you've been drinking the Rethuglican Koolaid on this subject and I'm certain you're a Faux Noose addict. Truncating sentences and half facts may work for Faux Noose, but not here. Here's the text on the $129K salary that you're citing:
".... So far this year, Mr. McSwain has earned about $32,000. At this point in 2008, he'd taken home about $70,000, thanks to overtime, and for the year made $129,000." Emphasis on "Overtime". On a full-time work of roughly four and a half months (article is dated May 21st), the dude earned $32K ($32000/(160hrs*4.5months) = $44.44/hr. His annual salary on straight time would be 1920hrs * $44.44 = $85K. As an hourly non-exempt employee and according to FLSA, he'd be entitled to time-and-a-half pay for any hour worked over 40hr/week. At that rate all he'd have to work roughly 660 extra hours in a year to make $129K (($129000 - $85000)/$66.66hr OT Rate)).
Get it genius? I can't get people like you, who continue to argue against your own self interest without any thought, sipping the regurgitated gruel of Limbaugh and Hannity. BTW, don't be jealous if a hard working UAW worker makes more money than you!
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Jose Canseco CRUSHED In Mixed Martial Arts Debut (PHOTOS)
Rhoids will rob you blind of stamina! All the bulk, but no gas.
About Sports
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Saturday, May 23, 2009
Mancow Waterboarded (VIDEO): Conservative Radio Host Say It's Torture
You're forgetting one minor detail, 9/11 happened on the Rethuglican's watch (House / Senate / Presidency) so they really didn't keep us safe - even when the memo came out in August that AQ was planning to fly planes into the buildings and Condi ignored it. You Rethugs have an attention span of a gnat, with memories even shorter.
"SO BE IT", WTF? We executed Japanese after WWII for doing the same to our soldiers, so don't be surprised when AQ/Taliban/Insurgents use this as an excuse to do the same!
Here's Rethgulican Logic (I know, it's an oxymoron but bear with me): Deny we "torture", get exposed and term it "enhanced interrogation", cover your ass by codifying into law with the help of some really mediocre lawyers at DOJ, when that an all else fails cry "Well Nancy knew about it, so it's Ok" and it was only "three turrorists", when that fails you b/tch/moan and take your ball and go home - buhby!
About Harsh Interrogations
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Roxana Saberi Returns Home To U.S.
Getting your p@nties in a wad is not the answer. Just like WE were all complicit for having elected Boosh and company for two terms, despite the facts on the ground. Bottom line, if you don't do enough to change then you are complicit - you didn't pull the trigger, maybe stayed on the sideline and watched with horror - but still complicit for not taking any action! I blame myself just the same for Boosh's election - simply casting a vote wasn't enough.
This was a golden opportunity for the "mainstream" Iranians to show that they stood for justice. Instead, they remained silent - that's never brought about change. Someone's got to make the sacrifice in Iran, and it shouldn't have been a petite little innocent journalist from America!
BTW, I do have ex-pat Iranian friends who I spend a lot of time sharing similar ideas with.
About Roxana Saberi
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Friday, May 22, 2009
How To Get A Job: Be A Black Belt At Networking
Make sure you've got the "sheep skin" in the emerging technologies, especially healthcare and IT (certification in COTS products will do). That's REAL RE-INVENTION.
I recall needing anSME on TDMA/Frequency Multiplexing a while back. My search on the Monster yielded thirteen resumes, with only one US Citizen who had graduated from MIT back in 1969 (needed someone who could be cleared).
Don't waste time in seminars and networking events (especially if they costs money), only the unemployed/desperate are there - a commiseration fest. Instead, rely on real friends and family (remember the movie Ronin, you go to who you know!)
Don't shy away from Government jobs, they may not pay well but they're steady and you get 60% of your salary guaranteed in retirement.
Be willing to "flip burgers" if you must, consider it biding time. I get that you were an AVP at some hot-shot Wall St. firm six months ago, but even you had suspicion that it wasn't real. Do what you got to do.
Never give up - I recall a photo-copied cartoon many moons ago of a frog stuck halfway in an Egret's mouth, with the frog's hands clutching Egret's neck - with the same caption!
About Olympics
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Roxana Saberi Returns Home To U.S.
My middle-finger-salute to the Iranians, including the complicit citizenry!
About Roxana Saberi
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Like A Virgin, Again
As a man I find this funny and disturbing at the same time. Guys, even in the age group we're in, are oblivious to the anxieties that you described (I think there's a Mel Gibson movie where he can read the minds of women and finds out how intense that is). The most a guy would be thinking of is how to get to the second base (nothing wrong their either, since most of our anxieties usually revolve around the bases comprising of female anatomy).
You are hilarious "... kegeling again at all red lights and TV commercials.", I busted out laughing. I can, however, understand how one must feel in that situation - pedaling in frenzy with the bow of the dinghy approaching the edge of the waterfall.
We wish you the best of luck in finding a mate, even if he's got to take one of them blue pills - if the side effects are severe, they'll bleed him at the hospital, no worries! You just keep on smiling!
About Sex
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Ed Schultz Defends Obama Against Entire Cast Of <i>Morning Joe</i> (VIDEO)
Bravo Ed. You showed Scarborough's true colors - you scratched and revealed the closet Kl@nsman that he is, and astonishing loyalty of his sidekick Mika.
About Morning Joe
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Paul Broun, GOP Congressman, Wants To Make 2010 'Year of the Bible'
Well the "freedom fries" didn't work, so now this stunt - how despicable and abh@rant act of wasting tax payers' hard earned money. I suggest he permanently bury his face in the Bible if he loves it so much.
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Brazil Approves Extradition Of Israeli Rabbi Accused Of Burning Toddlers
The Brazilians should brace themselves, the "anti-Semite" shoe is about to drop!
About Israel
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Liberty University Rejects Democratic Club On "Moral" Grounds
We reject Liberty University for their utter lack of conscience, intellect and talent. Liberty University = Lynchburg Madrassa for your run-of-the-mill Kl@n, xenophobe, misogynist, racist and room-temperature-IQ rejects.
I will take back my comments, with apology, when anyone associated with this madrassa gets a Nobel prize or another internationally known high-award for arts and sciences!
Their mediocrity should be an embarrassment for the faculty and the student body, that is if they get it. If Liberty and Regent "Universities" are suppose to epitomize the Rethuglican or "Christian" education, then it's safe to say we have nothing to worry about - evolution has a way of culling the herd, and it starts with the lowest IQ.
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GOP Wants More Help From Cheney
Good, let them have him. Apparently, he and the entire Rethuglican party combined make one set - and it's an old, dangling, shriveled and hairy one between Chay Knee's legs!
About Dick Cheney
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Reid: Obama Speech Opens Way For Gitmo Closure Discussion
What an opportunistic wuss, got the out sponsored by the "right" and took it - lock, stock and barrel. I trusted him because he was a pretty good boxer early in his life who was ready to fight all the way. So, now he suddenly "finds" religion in POTUS' speech? Gimme a break. Come on Reid, man up and do the right thing - acknowledge that you were wrong stepping away from POTUS' POV.
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Jon Stewart Mocks The Nonsensical Aversion To Closing Guantanamo Bay (VIDEO)
A genius who will be immortalized, while most of the elected politicians will be spat upon for dethroning the USA from the moral and ethical high ground!
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Obama Creates Panel To Find Cause of Financial Crisis
Don't have to look far, they're called the NEO-CONS. These are the ones who led us to unnecessary wars, fattened up their cronies from the Government coffers via no-bid contracts, raising unimaginable national debt through the sale of hyper-valued/worthless property-backed SIV/CDO/CDS to the Chinese and others. All at the backs of us citizens. D@mn you neo-CONs and the Boosh/Cheney cabal.
About Barack Obama
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CBS Picks Up NBC's Canceled 'Medium'
What is America's fascination with the super natural, spirits, ghosts and goblins? I just don't get it. This, and medical drama themes seem to make even the well educated and logical people lose their wits - from "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir" and "Dr. Marcus Welby, M.D." to this stupid show and General Hospital/ER/Grey's Anatomy - go figure!
About CBS
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Jesse Ventura Lays Waste To <i>Fox And Friends</i> (VIDEO)
Hey "fallout4u", Jesse single handedly pwned the entire team of ret@rds on that show. Unlike people who hide behind military symbolism (like you with the A-10 Warthog icon and the d@uchebag Kilmeade who never joined the forces, but feels he knows what he's talking about akin to his draft-dodging buddies Boosh and Cheney). Quit getting a h@rd-on watching your "friends" on the morning propaganda show and j@acking off your brain - that's if you've got one!
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Faltering Country Clubs Opening Their Doors To The Public
Feudal Lords of the 21st century, brought to their knees without a revolution - how sweet and ironic!
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Lisa Rinna Tells The Truth About Her Lips: Silicone Scarring
"... it all started 23 years ago". WTF, she's 45 now, which means she started doing that at age 22 - merely unfolding her wings out of the cocoon. What happened to aging gracefully?
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New York City Temple Bomb Plot Broken Up By FBI, 4 Arrested
Thanks for the clarification, most seem to forget that this is still the US of A not the United States of Pangea!
Let's not all panic, quiver in our boots and b0mb some third world country to stone age.
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Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Paid Vacation Bill Goes To The Hill
I hear you. In your case you at least have some form of compensation, compared to millions who don't or are intimidated routinely for merely having a job. My example meant to convey that even in the best of circumstances the cost of Fringe/Benefits should not be ignored or discounted.
we are turning into a thrid world, Chines or Indian business model by treating our workers like mules and not worry about these two key components of the pay model.
If entrepreneurs are suppose to be the vanguard of our growth, then they've surely figured out that they can't grow without screwing over their employees (thanks, in part, to some of the most dated laws on the books there are still some minor protections). They naturally gravitate towards cheap labor force and lax laws overseas - ALL THE WHILE BLAMING THE AMERICAN WORKER.
Wish you the best of luck.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
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