Wednesday, April 29, 2009
America's Most Reputable Companies
Bogus. They've got Haliburton on the list - I rest my case!
About Google
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Hate-Mongering Conservative Commentators Using Swine Flu to Promote Racism!
Come on bro, let your other head do the thinking and lusting!
A bit about Ms. fre@k Malkin ( This Rethuglican wannabe-firebrand was born to two Filipino parents in Philly while they were here on Student visa - basically, what she accuses the new generation of immigrants of doing, getting citizenship by getting your mom to birth in the US of A; a shameless hypocrite of course. Her husband is now a "stay at home dad" - guess we know who's wearing the pants and has the b@lls in this family. Lastly, for a child of immigrants, she's certainly self loathing, with hate for her kind - It's like being gay and Republican or a vegan wanting to be a butcher. Let go bro, let go - there's plenty of fish out there!
About Swine Flu
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Dear Justice Scalia...
Scalia is nothing but a pompous hypocrite. Allusion to the real words with s-word and f-word somehow makes them non-fleeting I suppose. Wonder how he'd feel if I sent him an email saying "... Eat my S-Word and F-Word you Scalia...."
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UAE Condemns Royal Sheikh Torture Tape (VIDEO)
This is not torture, it's really enhanced interrogation technique! Don't be surprised if you hear that in defense of this outrageous video. Then again, where's the outrage from Rush/Bill/Sean and the other right-wing foam-at-the-mouth blowhard torture proponents? You're spot on with your comments - this incident solidifies the very argument you alluded to.
About Middle East
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Poll: Bush Getting Even More Unpopular Out Of Office
Wait a few generations and he will be reviled even more for setting our great nation back decades on all fronts, including, but not limited to; science, environment, finance (debt and deficit), education, culture, foreign policy, etc., etc., etc. And he'd be quite deserving of this all.
About Barack Obama
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Jim Inhofe: Specter Switch Will Bring Republican Revolution In 2010 (VIDEO)
Inhofe is the same tw@t who chaired (now the ranking minority member) of the Committee on Environment and Public Works in the Senate. In his capacity, this Global-Warming-naysayer did all that he could to decimate the progress made in the past by the environmentalists.
Me thinks he's gone loco having ingested too many chemicals and fumes from the "Clean Coal".
About Arlen Specter
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Hannity Waterboard Offer: Olbermann Increases The Pressure
Innanity is a ba//-less d@uchebag with less integrity than a wet toilet paper, I think we should all chip in and match Olbermann for each second! I don't think Insanity will step up to it though, he's too much of a pu$$y.
About Keith Olbermann
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Pope Apologizes For Canadian Aboriginals Abused In Catholic Schools
Vagaries of organized religion. In so far as this apology is concerned, it is little and too late. Wonder how the Vatican plans to compensate!
About Canada
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Sarah Palin To Accept Most Stimulus Funds For Alaska
What an@bhorant duplicitous woman! It never ceases to amaze me that constituents of people like her continue to vote these liars to high offices. I suppose ignorance must be rampant in Alaska, just like other States where the lying Rethugs have been elected.
About Sarah Palin
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Mel Gibson Brings Girlfriend Oksana To Premiere
I can't believe that he'd leave his wife of so many years, who had his children to leave for her - or for that matter anyone else. I'm always reminded that there are two sides to every story and that I shouldn't jump to conclusions. Is there any evidence that his wife did wrong by him? If not, then I'm squarely putting Mel.G. on my official $hitL/st.
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Snowe: GOP Has Abandoned Principles; Specter Switch "Devastating"
Any minute now, since she's got a snow ball's chance in he// of keeping her seat. Her switch is inevitable - wonder what the odds are over at Intrade?
About Arlen Specter
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Snowe: GOP Has Abandoned Principles; Specter Switch "Devastating"
"I've always been deeply concerned about the views of the Republican Party nationally in terms of their exclusionary policies and views towards moderate Republicans," She's next to go.
Waiting to see her fall off the branch like a ripened berry - ready to let the gravity take its due course and fall in the open, warm and welcoming arms of the Democratic party. Come on baby, come on, let go now!!!!!!
About Arlen Specter
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GOP Senator To Specter: At Least I Don't Have To Campaign In Erie For You Anymore
Corker, poster boy for the Rethuglican party - Let's just call him Sen. Cletus. You'd agree 100% after you've heard him speak and seen his voting record. So nice to see his ilk representing the genuinely misguided lot known as the CONservatives.
About Arlen Specter
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Russia To Fire Over 35,000 Army Officers
Definitely not a good sign. If the central Government is strong, able to take on the military brass then you can expect the same Government to rattle the saber. It's one thing to keep a bunch of officers well fed, with a Dacha as the promissory retirement venue; totally another to can them and not expect any push-back from the rank and file. I suppose the Rooskies are shooting for a leaner/meaner footprint, with more money going to the technology. Let's hope it doesn't lead to another arms race.
About Russia
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Buchanan: GOP A "Heavily White Party"
Go sister! Agree on the NoVa phenomena - wouldn't trade it for anyplace else, especially where there's only one race of people. Sherlock here just figured out the root cause of the Rethuglican party's humiliating demise, but his deduction is one election too late!
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Party Switches Made By Famous Political Figures (SLIDESHOW)
Reagan was a Democrat until 1962 (he was 51 at that time), no one wants to mention that on the airwaves - do they? Especially the right wing wingnuts like Innanity, Limpo and O'rley. BTW, Specter was a Democrat, switched to Republican and is wisely switching back since he has a snow ball's chance in he// of winning (an opportunist in my books, but hey, I'll take all comers - especially if they're switching to the good side). Welcome senator, I just might spot you a C-note for your campaign.
About Arlen Specter
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Snowe: GOP Has Abandoned Principles; Specter Switch "Devastating"
Ok, waiting for Grassley, McCain, Snowe, Collins and Gordon to jump the Rethuglican ship! Any time now folks! Tehehe.
About Arlen Specter
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Monday, April 27, 2009
Hezbollah, A Leading Contender In Lebanese Elections (VIDEO)
If these elections are declared fair, wouldn't that be what Democracy is all about? Regardless of how much I may loath these guys, if their "constituents" elect them then doesn't that mean they'd be democratically elected? Isn't that what Bush et. al. wanted to accomplish in that part of the world, spread democracy? I guess those seeds just sprouted.
About Lebanon
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Dickipedia: John Yoo
Good question. I am, however, impressed with the younger generation's use of the new medium to connect, disseminate, inform, gather the masses and to even raise funds for the cause. I suppose if you can do that from the comfort of your chair, why bother with the rallies. Nonetheless, it's a bit disheartening that there haven't been any protests, even at the bastion of liberal thought UCB where this t00l has ended up. Maybe we're all a little exhausted having toppled the most rancid regime of GWB and his cronies - everyone's taking a breather for now (at least I hope).
About Dickipedia
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Webcam Leads To Arrest Of Canadian Woman For Sexual Assault On Child, Dog
Human depravity knows no bounds. I hope that "enhanced interrogation techniques" can be used on this abominable woman and then she's executed to ensure that she doesn't dilute the gene pool any further.
About Canada
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Charles Ponzi vs Bernie Madoff: Stealing from the Rich
How did Bernie Madoff swindle the rich? He swindled their charities - the money these uber rich folks were going to give away anyways, right?
About Financial Crisis
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About Financial Crisis
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Monty Python Star Terry Jones Expecting Baby With Lover, 26
Good for him. Anthony Quinn had kids when he was in his late seventies/early eighties. So long as the father can leave behind enough dough for the kids not to worry about their college education, comfortable life and future then why not - especially if the wife is cool with it (most posters here assume that his lover is totally silent on this matter or doesn't have a say in it, which I doubt is the case).
About Celebrity Kids
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Osama Bin Laden Believed Dead By Pak Intel: Zardari
I don't believe a damn thing Mr. 10 percent says. I also think he was involved in the death of his wife - he's the worst thing to happen to an already failed State of Pakistan.
About Pakistan
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Casey Aldridge In Car Crash: Jamie Lynn's Baby Daddy Hurt
Between the Palins and the Spears, one could sum up the Republican Family Values (RFV).
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Jim Cramer Mocks Krugman And Roubini: "The Professor And Mary Ann" (VIDEO)
Jim Cramer is a thoroughly discredited tr0ll who has repeatedly destroyed the lives of many people who actually invested their nest eggs according to his recommendations. There's a special place in he// for people like Cramer.
About Jim Cramer
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Gordon Brown 'Snubbed' By Pakistan President Zardari
Mr. 10 percent had better things to do - like count his billions that he has siphoned off of the Pakistani people.
About Pakistan
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Sunday, April 26, 2009
WHO Chief: Swine Flu Has "Pandemic Potential"
This should be a litmus test for Naomi Klein's book "The Shock Doctrine". Let's see how quickly the nefarious elements of the society (bourgeois) start taking advantage of this situation. I bet, given Naomi's keen observations and track record, we will see major announcements and introduction of bills, especially from the xenophobic quarters of the right, on closing the borders, etc. etc. Tick-tock, tick-tock .....
About Mexico
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Food Shortages The Biggest Threat To Civilization: Scientific American
Ok folks, time to start the countdown on how soon ADM and Monsanto wait to capitalize on this new "crisis". After all, there's nothing wrong with the GM crop!
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Saturday, April 25, 2009
McClatchy Reports Massive Losses
Sad to hear, one of the good guys actually - why the heck this doesn't happen to Murdoch's outfit?
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Al Gore Sigh Reprised On Capitol Hill (VIDEO)
Between her and Bachman, I don't know which one to hate more! This is the best these loser States can elect? In a real world, these two couldn't give a good BJ, let alone spar intellectually. Gore pwned the bit@h!
About Climate Change
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Barack Obama: King Of Corporate Welfare
I can't understand the vitriol of so many posters here. Why, just because Edsall is calling out the facts? Granted Edsall's no economist, he's merely pointing out that this administration is continuing the same policies of the previous, by injecting money in the "system" that has utterly failed us.
The argument that we can't let the "system" fail is bogus, it's exactly what needs to be done. A POTUS, who has the mandate, intelligence, charm and the political capital to finally clean house; redraw the Federal Reserve charter (about as Federal as FedEx); rip out special interest from the financial sector; change the law, regulations and tax modalities; etc, etc. - He is the One, he can do it and let's help him do it.
Didn't we elect the POTUS Obama because under the Bush administration no one said (usually couldn't) that the Emperor has no clothes! Of all the people, I believe Mr. Obama would be the first to acknowledge discourse rather than quash/quell dialog.
I know a lot of folks have Jesus-like reverence for the POTUS. However, he's in the office because of our collective conscience, which was raised against an almost tyrannical regime. In so far as economists are concerns, I suggest folks dust off "Das Kapital" and maybe read up on David Harvey's concept of "Accumulation by dispossession" - it's scary how right Marx was over 150 years ago!
About Barack Obama
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12 Ways To Recover From An Emotional Affair
Like my beloved wife says, don't put yourself in that position and you won't have to worry about it - emotional abstinence, if you will. Besides, if I'm ever stupid enough to do it, she's promised to feed my cojones to our dog while I watch!
About Sex
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Helen Thomas Ridicules Obama Torture Investigation Stance With Bush Comparison
Hey genius, your statement that ".... its a conflict of interest. It is up to the DOJ to prosecute", mean that it's POTUS' Executive Branch that would be doing the work. It WOULD be a conflict of interst if DOJ went down the road - only if it was witch hunt like the previous administration. These investigations definitely merit a review/investigation by the DOJ.
Before you start berating others with your limited "nolij", I suggest you do your homework.
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Obama Avoids Term "Genocide" In Statement On Armenian Massacre
While he's at it, he should call the Israeli massacre of innocent Palestinians in Gaza as genocide also!
About Genocide
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Rep Joe Barton Brags About Asking Energy Secretary Where Oil Comes From
"I think it was a good question." - WTF?
According to m@ro@ns like Joe Barton, and the ones who are not "sure" about the "facts" on how the oil got under the tectonic plates, let me remind them that the humans and dinosaurs roamed the earth together, only six thousand years ago. Obviously, the two species worked together to put the pipeline from Texas to Alaska and pump the oil up there, with Jesus blessing the works!
About Video
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Friday, April 24, 2009
Sarkozy's Insecurity: Falling A Bit Short
Chill out dude, it's all in jest. You're making a big deal about something that even SNL makes fun of. This type of generalization gets similar reaction as Borat gets in his famous rants - however, it's suppose to provoke thought as well. Looks like it provoked your thoughts, ergo did its work. Cheers.
About France
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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sarah Palin To Be Given Huge Engraved Assault Rifle
If we're all lucky, maybe she'll shoot herself with it!
About Sarah Palin
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Lebanon Election: Money From Abroad Floods In To Buy Votes
Well, the same is true here in the US of A. In our case though, the money flows in from AIPAC, courtesy of dual citizenship holders of Israel - regardless of their country of birth or origin (check out Mr. Martin Indyk, et. al.)
About Hezbollah
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Malaysia Bans Conversion Of Children Without Both Parents' Consent
Hopefully it works in favor of all religions, not just Muslims.
About Asia
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Yad Vashem Fires Employee Who Compared Holocaust To Palestinians' Plight
Must've hit the raw nerve! Truth hurts, and it seems that it hit it on the money. What a bunch of hypocrites!
About Israel
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Pakistan Nearing Collapse
Soweth, Reapeth! So much for the decades old policy of dealing with Pakistan. How does Musharraf look now?
About Pakistan
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Rep. Paul Ryan: Dems Have "Right" To Push Health Care Overhaul Through Congress
Time to bend and grab the ankles bro! The new generation of Rethuglicans have figured out that they have a snow ball in he// chance for winning the re-election - time to wise up and get in line with what the public is rightfully demanding (change and accountability). Out are the days of pandering to the nit-wit religious freaks, bigots and xenophobes. So guys like Ryan are getting "our" religion now - true democracy. However, the public will see through and vote their pandering a$$es out.
About Nancy Pelosi
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Glenn Beck Expresses 'Erotic' Joy From Man Cutting Trees And Hunting On Earth Day
Time to come out of the closet Glenn. It's OK, we won't bite!
About Video
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Liz Cheney Defends Father's Torture Legacy (VIDEO) [UPDATED]
"And thou shalt eat the fruit of the thine own body, the FLESH of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the LORD thy God hath given thee" - Deutronomy 28:53
Looks like, at least according to the Bible, Cheney is well within his rights to consume his bumbling daughter!
About Video
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Liz Cheney Defends Father's Torture Legacy (VIDEO) [UPDATED]
Isn't she a Lesbian? If so, endorsing her dad would be like a Vegan calling for culling the herd and throwing a village BBQ - WTF?
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Shepard Smith Uncensored: "We Are America, We Do Not F**king Torture!" (VIDEO)
Judith Miller states that "Even Israelis dont' use waterboarding". WTF, so now are standard of "enhanced interrogations" should be dictated by the ShinBet/Mossad values? Give me a break.
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